February-March 2022 Fossicking Trip: Stone of the Day #4, Kakanui Yellow Quartzite

On Monday 14 February, I was based near Kakanui in North Otago and made two trips to my favourite Kakanui beach. The first fossick was in the morning at low tide and the second was after lunch after the waves had progressed further up the beach, wetting more stones. Stone #4 is a specimen of the yellow quartzites to be found there that I am very fond of. I am becoming increasingly selective in which ones I collect as I now have a good selection at home, many of them polished. I decided to keep this stone because of the swirls of colour in it and the small clear quartz inclusions:

The other side of the stone is less attractive:

When I arrived at the beach this morning, at the end of Seadown Road, I was surprised to find a number of vehicles parked there. It turned out that about eight surfers were enjoying the swells, the first time I had seen surfers there. I initially moved southwards on the beach as the low tide allowed access past the rocks there. A number of small beaches nestle against the low cliff, and stones often settle there. Stones can also be found in the small pools among the rock benches below the cliff.

Four other stones found today on this Kakanui beach:

The next Post in the Series, on Stone #5, also from this Kakanui beach, is here. The Index to all the Posts in the Series is here.

Author: tumblestoneblog

Retired Academic, male, living in the New Zealand countryside near Whanganui with his wife, two cats (Ollie and Fluffy), one puppy (Jasper), two horses (Dancer and Penny) and a shed half-full of stones. Email john.tumblestone@gmail.com.

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