February-March 2022 Fossicking Trip: Stone of the Day #17, Small Gemstone Beach Amygdaloidal Stone

I arrived at Gemstone Beach just an hour after high tide today. This meant that the waves were wetting stones much further up the beach than the last few times I visited. Consequently, many more stones were on display for the fossicker. It was difficult to decide on today’s Stone of the Day as more than a handful of the ones I found are probably worthy. I chose this small amygdaloidal stone, 3.5 cms long and 3 cms wide:

I found a few amygdaloidal stones today, of various sizes and kinds and colours. This one stood out because of the tiny size and high density of most of the amygdales.

As today was Sunday and the sun was shining brightly (though the temperature could have been warmer), there were more people than usual on Gemstone Beach. At the start of my fossick, there were even a few who had forded the Taunoa Stream and had made their way along the beach. Most stopped after about 300 metres, and for most of the rest of my time there, I was the only one on the far side of the Stream.

Other candidates for Stone of the Day today included these six:

The first Post in this Series is here. The Index to all the Posts in the Series is here.

Author: tumblestoneblog

Retired Academic, male, living in the New Zealand countryside near Whanganui with his wife, two cats (Ollie and Fluffy), one puppy (Jasper), two horses (Dancer and Penny) and a shed half-full of stones. Email john.tumblestone@gmail.com.

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