February-March 2022 Fossicking Trip: Stone of the Day #20, Colourful Gemstone Beach Amygdaloidal Stone

This was my last fossick on Gemstone Beach this trip. The day was sunny though a stiff wind came up right at the end of the two and a half hours I was there. Today’s Stone of the Day was found near the mouth of the Waimeamea River:

The stone is 5 cms long, and very smooth.

I arrived at high tide, and the waves seemed to have more energy than on previous days, sweeping a little further up the beach.

Other stones I found today:

Tomorrow will be a travel day, driving from Riverton to Palmerston in North Otago.

The first Post in this Series is here. The Index to all the Posts in the Series is here.

Author: tumblestoneblog

Retired Academic, male, living in the New Zealand countryside near Whanganui with his wife, two cats (Ollie and Fluffy), one puppy (Jasper), two horses (Dancer and Penny) and a shed half-full of stones. Email john.tumblestone@gmail.com.

4 thoughts on “February-March 2022 Fossicking Trip: Stone of the Day #20, Colourful Gemstone Beach Amygdaloidal Stone”

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