June-July 2022 Fossicking Trip: 14) Gemstone Beach, Day Seven

I arrived at Gemstone Beach this morning (Tuesday 5 July) just before low tide. I walked reasonably quickly (with a few distracting stones on the way) down to the Waimeamea River to check if it was fordable because of the waves being further down the beach. It was, which meant I had time enough to fossick well beyond the river and get back to cross it before the waves of the high tide became a problem.

It is an eerie feeling once you get past where the Waimeamea River first comes out of the hills – a roaring sea on one side of the narrow stone beach, high slippery cliffs on the other. There is a very long stretch of the beach like this, a number of kilometres, where high cliffs are right at the back – the driftwood is piled up right at the foot of the cliffs, so you know the high tide reaches there (see the photos at the top of this Post). It is not a place to be an hour or two before high tide, the prospect of being trapped being quite real.

I managed to spend four hours on the beach today, walking a few hundred metres further than on previous days. It turned out to be a hydrogrossular garnet day. Before today, I had found maybe only a handful of that type of stone per day. Once I was past the river today, however, small hydrogrossular garnets appeared, and then a few larger ones as well. And this was partly over a section of the beach I had visited before. I was able to collect a nice diversity of types and sizes (photos of the range of types of hydrogrossular garnets can be found here).

About one-third the way through the fossick, I was thinking that today’s Post could simply feature the hydrogrossular garnets. But then I started to find other types of stones that deserved to be shown as well. And I kept finding them right up until I reached the carpark. Some of them are among the best I have found on this trip.

A shorter version of this Post first appeared in the Facebook Group “New Zealand Lapidary, Rocks, Minerals, Fossils”. The next Post in this Series describes another visit to Gemstone Beach, this time on a cold day. The first Post in this Series is here.

Author: tumblestoneblog

Retired Academic, male, living in the New Zealand countryside near Whanganui with his wife, two cats (Ollie and Fluffy), one puppy (Jasper), two horses (Dancer and Penny) and a shed half-full of stones. Email john.tumblestone@gmail.com.

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