Southern Sojourn 2023(56): The Trip North – A Morning Low Tide Fossick, Kakanui’s Seadown Beach, Tuesday 2 May

After a big pack-up, I drove from Riverton Aparima to Kakanui in North Otago on Monday. I stayed two nights at accommodation not far from Seadown Beach (see here for some information on this beach). On Tuesday I made two visits to the beach, the first one starting at low tide around 7.30 am. This enabled me to fossick around the rocks at the south end of the beach, which are inaccessible as the tide gets higher. It was cloudy, a little windy, and nine degrees when I arrived at the beach. Around lunchtime, the sun came out so I was able to take photos of my finds back at my accommodation.

I was on the lookout especially for fossil sea floor stones, yellow quartzites and interesting jaspers. I found that there were many more jaspers around than the other times I have been here. There was the usual availability of gorgeous yellow quartzites and their variations. I also found enough fossil sea floor stones to satisfy me.

Two of the fossil sea floor stones (see this Post for more on this type of stone):

Among the quartzites I found were these five – they represent part of the wide variety of such stones that can be found on this beach:

A wide variety of jaspers can also be found here:

Finally, an interesting stone that I can’t identify:

The Next Post reports on my afternoon visit to the same beach. The first Post in the “Southern Sojourn 2023” Series is here. The Index to the Series is here.

Author: tumblestoneblog

Retired Academic, male, living in the New Zealand countryside near Whanganui with his wife, two cats (Ollie and Fluffy), one puppy (Jasper), two horses (Dancer and Penny) and a shed half-full of stones. Email

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